New Family Registration Directions
Enrollment opens 1 November 2023 for Kindergarten. All other grades open December 1, 2023 for new families.
Enrollment closes 31 May 2024.
Enrollment closes 31 May 2024.
Step 1: Attend a Prospective Parent Meeting
Step 2: Complete the New Student Application. The application form enacts a contractual relationship.
Step 3: Pay your application fee ($100 per child). You can pay this online (convenience fee applied). Or mail a check made out to "Sequitur Classical Academy" to Sequitur Classical Academy 9618 Jefferson Hwy, Suite D #213 Baton Rouge, LA 70809. It may also be paid in person on the day of the entrance exam, though no exams will be given prior to payment being received.
Step 4: Schedule an interview with the Headmaster or Assistant Headmaster.
Step 5: Schedule your child's entrance exam, which will be administered at our campus on Quail Drive.
Step 6: Wait to receive your acceptance or denial letter.
Step 7: Pay your registration fee ($300 per child). You can pay this online (convenience fee applied). Or mail a check made out to "Sequitur Classical Academy" to Sequitur Classical Academy 9618 Jefferson Hwy, Suite D #213 Baton Rouge, LA 70809.
Registrations paid prior to January 15th will be eligible for a $200 discount on tuition. It benefits our planning if you register early, and now it benefits you as well!
Registrations paid prior to January 15th will be eligible for a $200 discount on tuition. It benefits our planning if you register early, and now it benefits you as well!